Partnering with Parents to Raise Kids Who

Glorify God in All They Do


During the Service

9:30AM – For Nursery & Preschool

  • Nursery (0 to 3 years old) – Please check in at the bottom of the ramp in the children’s wing.

  • Preschool (3-5 years old) – Please check in at the bottom of the ramp in the children’s wing.

  • Kindergarten – Kindergartners and up remain with their families for worship.

Enrichment Hour

11:00 AM – We are taking a break for the Summer

  • Nursery (0 to 3 years old) – Downstairs. Check-in at the desk at the bottom of the ramp.

  • Preschool (3-5 years old) – Downstairs. Check-in at the desk.

  • Kindergarten – 6th Grade – K-4th Grade Downstairs, 5th-6th upstairs.


At Grace Kids we provide engaging, theologically-robust, and spiritually nourishing teaching.
From the nursery through age three we teach from the curriculum “A Sure Foundation” from Truth78. Here children learn simple truths about God, begin to memorize Scripture, and hear foundational Bible truths.
For children ages three to twelve we use “Generations of Grace,” a biblically-based curriculum designed to magnify God by studying His character in the pages of Scripture. Over a three-year period, this curriculum covers the narrative of God’s redemptive plan.
In each age group we have dedicated servants who are prayerfully committed to the spiritual development of the kids in their care.

Family Worship Guide

The Jews Resist the Holy Spirit

Passage: Acts 6:1–7:60

Principle: The Holy Spirit gives faithful believers the ability to honor Jesus.

Praise: “Change My Heart, O God”

Prompt: Ask your child these questions:

· Who was Stephen full of?

· What did the Spirit give Stephen the power to do?

· What did Stephen see before he died?

· What did Stephen pray for the people stoning him?

Practice: Help your child apply these truths in the following ways:

· By testifying to Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension.

· By sharing with saints who have needs.

· By not resisting the Holy Spirit

· By being a faithful servant

Next Class: Acts 8:1–25


 Memory Verse

“You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you.”

—Acts 7:51








Our Policies

Healthy Kids Policy

Any child entering the nursery or children’s areas must have been free of the following symptoms for 24 hours or more: fever, cold/flu, green or yellow runny nose, persistent cough, diarrhea, vomiting, discharge in or around the eyes, rashes and skin eruptions and any contagious disease.

Child Protection Policy

We are also dedicated to keeping children safe while they are in our care. To learn more, view our Child Protection Policy.

Angie Fewster

Director of Children’s Ministries